Integrating Suricata into my Home Lab

For today’s project, I am going to be installing and integrating Suricata into my home SOC. Suricata is a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that is based on and configured by rules. And, would you look at that, it’s fully compatible with Wazuh! It’s important to note that I am using Suricata 7.0.1; many of

PicoCTF Chronicles: PcapPoisoning

You may be asking yourself, “how many of these packet capture CTFs is he going to post?” The answer is Yes. Anyway, this one is called PcapPoisoning. Seems simple enough, a high percentage of solves but not the best approval rating. Let’s dive in. Yet again, this is legitimately a pcap file, so that’s some

PicoCTF Chronicles: Packet Analysis

Hey there folks, I’ve decided to do a full write-up on a packet capture analysis exercise from PicoCTF. This won’t be just an explanation of how to get to the flag, but a sort of play-by-play of my thought process. The exercise in question is called “wireshark twoo twooo two twoo…” Not a lot to

PicoCTF Chronicles: Chapter 2

Well, I got a little carried away and did quite a few more challenges since the last chapter. I’ve been knocking out the General Skills because they’re a quick way to get points, and I’ve also been screen sharing online with friends to show them the overall concepts of CTFs. I’ve come to know that

PicoCTF Chronicles: Chapter 1

I decided to delve into the PicoCTF practice challenges. Here is what the progress tracker looks like after getting through the first page of all challenges with the default sorting methods: Well, this is daunting. One whole page of challenges done, and the progress bars have barely moved! This is a good time to take

Turning my Home Lab into a SOC

In my previous project entry, I detailed what I did to establish a home lab (which includes a Kali Linux host, a Windows 11 host, and a Windows Server 2022 machine). In this project, I will bundle those virtual machines into a virtual SOC so that I can monitor security events and get some real-world

Setting up my Home Lab!

This project will detail setting up my home lab using Oracle Virtualbox. I want to make sure I have a variety of systems and OSes at my disposal, so I can experience many different tools and scenarios. I have begun by downloading Oracle VirtualBox, launched the VM manager, and have subsequently allocated two virtual machines,

Let’s Defend – SOC Analyst Learning Path

I am working my way through the SOC Analyst path; this includes fundamentals on how the SOC operates, what the SOC Analyst’s roles and responsibilities are within that environment, and lab environments to become comfortable with tools in the SOC Analyst’s belt such as SIEM monitoring, EDR utilization, and log analysis.